Accelerated Training Program (ATP) 

Director: Gabrielle Chaplin
Assistant Director: Neisa Schuler

As part of North State Ballet’s Accelerated Training Program (ATP), students will expand their training to include multiple performance, competitive, and training opportunities. In order to build from a strong foundation, this program is reserved for students enrolled in NSB’s full Classical Program and Children’s Program (Recreational/Open Program students are not eligible).

Program requirements include classes in ballet, jazz, lyrical/contemporary, acrobatic dance, and choreography, with the option to add other styles including hip hop, and tap.

Specific requirements are dependent on assigned level. This program is designed for dancers ages five through 18. Training and performance requirements and opportunities increase with age and placement level.

Students will have the opportunity to progress at a developmentally appropriate pace while being part of a team and learning to work together to achieve a common goal.

For our younger dancers, this program is designed to provide a strong and diverse foundation, while developing their love for dance in a fun, attentive, and supportive environment. For our older dancers, it is designed to maximize the technical and artistic training, which will allow all participating dancers, regardless of professional aspirations, to reach their full potential.

Each dancer will receive thorough, proper, and well-rounded training whether their goal is to become a professional dancer, pursue a college dance program, or simply be the best dancer they can be.

In addition to annual North State Ballet performances, ATP students will have access to multiple performance and training opportunities. These include community performances, competitions, master classes, conventions, and feedback from top dance professionals.  

Dancers apply and are accepted based on their experience, followed by a placement audition.  Our season runs from August to June with additional summer opportunities for those interested. 

If your dancer is interested in this program, please contact  for more information.